Available In All Virginia Counties.

We offer our services for the entire state of Virginia and will go out of state on a case by case basis.

Available In All Virginia Counties.

We offer our services for the entire state of Virginia and will go out of state on a case by case basis.

Our Services

  • Deer Recovery

    We help hunters recover their deer with a state of the art thermal drone. You don’t have to worry about potentially running off your wounded deer!

  • Bear Recovery

    We are also offering our recovery services for black bear as well giving you a much better chance of recovering your trophy!

  • Herd Analysis

    We do advanced herd analysis on your property with our thermal imaging drone which allows us to count and mark every visible deer with very high accuracy. We are also able to tell you your buck to doe ratio.

Benefits Of Drone Recovery

Search large pieces of land quickly and efficiently.

Little to no impact on the wildlife in the area.

Much better chance at recovering your trophy.

No risk of spooking your deer if it is still alive.

Thermal drone allows us to search during both day and night.

Drone Features

Thermal imaging

The thermal camera on our drone show any body heat coming from an animal. Deer retain body heat for hours after expiring.

Long Flight Time

Our drone is equipped with dual high powered batteries that allow us to keep flying as long as possible without stopping.

Night Vision

Military grade night vision allows us to spot animals from hundreds of feet away.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a deer be found after it’s shot?

This depends heavily on the temperature and weather. Each recovery is different but deer have been found with drones as long as 48 hrs after it was shot.

Can you see through trees with leaves?

While heavy trees can block visibility it can still be possible to locate deer, it may just take longer.

How can you tell if it is the deer I shot?

Our drone camera is equipped with a 200x zoom which lets us identify your deer from hundreds of feet.

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